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Effect of crafting speed on animation speed

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:57 am
by Deadlock989
Most machines with a crafting speed > 1 seem to play their animations faster - both the main sprite and any working_animations. This can "waste" frames of your animation if you have multiple tiers of the same machine and the slowest is speed 1. (If the slowest is less than speed 1, it doesn't look very good).

But it's not as simple as crafting_speed * animation_speed. If I divide the animation speed of each tier by the crafting speed, it "overcompensates" and I get slower and slower animations.

I could mess with this endlessly to get in the ballpark but does anyone know what the exact relationship between the two speeds is?

Re: Effect of crafting speed on animation speed

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:45 am
by eradicator
Been quite a while since i did anything with animations, but are you really sure that the default crafting speed affects the animation speed? I thought that i remember that the animation speed is only affected by speed effects from modules and beacons.

Re: Effect of crafting speed on animation speed

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:19 pm
by Deadlock989
Never mind, I derped with maths. The speed of the animation is exactly (crafting_speed*animation_speed), at least for furnaces.

If you want to re-use animations across different entities but keep them all at the same speed of 60 frames per second, set the animation_speed to 1/crafting_speed.

Re: Effect of crafting speed on animation speed

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:59 pm
by mrvn
Or not. If it is the same animation you might want the work to look faster and not just be faster.