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Multiple research with multiple buildings

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:32 pm
by Phakx
Hey. I have one question. is it possible to have multiple research at once AND with diffrent ingrediens inside?

For example: i changed the recepi for steel processing only for testing to 10 research pack and 10 iron plates
i created another lab-like building and changed the inputs so it can accept iron plates.

so i put into the normal lab the research pack 1 and into the other the iron plates. nothing happend. must every ingedient for a reseach go into one building?

and could i do multiple reseach at once?

Re: Multiple research with multiple buildings

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:52 am
by SilverWarior
If you are extending the default reserch lab entity then I must say that every research lab needs to have all the required incgredient types in its storeage (in your case research pack and iron plate).
I also have to disapoint you on the fact that currently game doesent support of researching multiple technologies at once.

But if you are a good LUA coder I bet you can make a building which will compleetly replace default research labs and alow that each building is doing research on its own topic. How?
1. You need a new building which can take input of desired research requirements
2. You need the bility to consume (destory) stored item in this building
3. Your building needs some timer and mechanizm to monitor the research progress. Note this research progress is compleetly independat from default game research progress.
4. After your research progress reaches the end (all requirements were fulfilled) you enable certain technology via LUA code.
5. And finally you want to have cusom UI window made for your building through which you can chose which technology will your research building be researching.

Since the research is now binded to the specific research buildings you would be able to concurently research as many different technologies as is the number of your research buildings.
Now the only thing is that I don't know how would you synchronize the research progress between different building in order to speed up the process as you can do by using multiple labs in current system.

If my knowledge of LUA would be as good as my knowledge of Objective Pascal I would have probably made this kind of a mod a long time ago.

Re: Multiple research with multiple buildings

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:23 am
by Phakx
I soved my problen to make 2 diffrent labs and added some new materials like science cores.
I just changed some recipe of the technology and everything should be fine. In this case you have to maintain 2 diffrent buildings with items to get serveral reseach instead of just do one reasearch after research

Re: Multiple research with multiple buildings

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:26 am
by Phakx
[quote="SilverWarior"]But if you are a good LUA coder I bet you can make a building which will compleetly replace default research labs and alow that each building is doing research on its own topic. How?
1. You need a new building which can take input of desired research requirements
2. You need the bility to consume (destory) stored item in this building
3. Your building needs some timer and mechanizm to monitor the research progress. Note this research progress is compleetly independat from default game research progress.
4. After your research progress reaches the end (all requirements were fulfilled) you enable certain technology via LUA code.
5. And finally you want to have cusom UI window made for your building through which you can chose which technology will your research building be researching.[/qoute]

i can do every point but not the 5. one. i look how my other solution will work and see if i need this:D