[SOLVED] Fluid boxes not moving resources
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:01 am
My fluid boxes seemingly not functional:
I am trying to build a mining drill/pumpjack that will take mining fluid (nitric acid) and output some sludge.
While seemingly connected to pipes for input of mining fluid and pipes for the mined sludge it can not run.
When i coment out the requirement for mining fluid, it runs (as seen in screenie) but does not output to output-pipes.
Are there special requirements for fluid box coordinates that I have not filled?
Are there other explanations?
Screenie(with mining fluid requirement disabled):
My fluid boxes seemingly not functional:
I am trying to build a mining drill/pumpjack that will take mining fluid (nitric acid) and output some sludge.
While seemingly connected to pipes for input of mining fluid and pipes for the mined sludge it can not run.
When i coment out the requirement for mining fluid, it runs (as seen in screenie) but does not output to output-pipes.
Are there special requirements for fluid box coordinates that I have not filled?
Are there other explanations?
Code: Select all
type = "mining-drill",
name = "fracking-station-dl",
icon = "__druglab__/graphics/icons/deepdrill.png",
icon_size = 32,
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "fracking-station-dl"},
resource_categories = {"fracking-sludge"},
max_health = 200,
corpse = "big-remnants",
dying_explosion = "medium-explosion",
collision_box = {{-2, -2}, {2, 2}},
selection_box = {{-2, -2}, {2, 2}},
--collision_box = {{-2.5, -2.5}, {2.5, 2.5}},
--selection_box = {{-2.5, -2.5}, {2.5, 2.5}},
--drawing_box = {{-2.5, -2.5}, {2.5, 2.5}}, --???? legacy?????
energy_source =
type = "electric",
-- will produce this much * energy pollution units per tick
emissions = 0.15 / 1.5,
usage_priority = "secondary-input"
output_fluid_box =
base_area = 1,
base_level = 0,
pipe_covers = pipecoverspictures(),
pipe_connections =
positions = { {1.45, -2.6}, {2.6, -1.45},{-1.45, 2.6}, {-2.6, 1.45} }
input_fluid_box =
base_area = 1,
base_level = 0,
pipe_covers = pipecoverspictures(),
pipe_connections =
positions = { {-1.45, 2.6}, {-2.6, 1.45},{1.45, -2.6},{2.6, -1.45} }}