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Help updating Single Splitters for .16
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:57 am
by AzraelSorrow
Can some one help me out with updating this mod for .16?
The author doesn't appear to be active at the moment. I tried updating it myself thinking it'd be pretty easy as it only contains a single items, but when I update the version, I get some weird error saying it doesn't have a "icon size" value and that something to do with Bob's Inserters and Logistics for some reason. When I go in to add the "icon size" value as it desired, it still says it isn't there. I just don't know what it wants.
Re: Help updating Single Splitters for .16
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 6:31 am
by Koub
[Koub] Moved to modding help
Re: Help updating Single Splitters for .16
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:43 pm
by Bassad
without taking a look at the 2nd problem, the first one is pretty easy.
With 0.16 each object with a picture now also needs a icon_size = 32/64/128.
For example
icon = "__CoolMod__/Folder/AnotherFolder/AwesomeIconx32.png",
icon_size = 32,
Check the technology and item part of the mod, so in most cases technology.lua and items.lua, maybe entities.lua (not sure about last one)
Re: Help updating Single Splitters for .16
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:09 pm
by AzraelSorrow
It was the "icon_size" value in the recipe.lua that I missed. Thank you!
Re: Help updating Single Splitters for .16
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:56 pm
by AzraelSorrow
New issue. I can launch the game fine now, but when I try to load a save or even make a new game it says "Notice First argument must be a number, table, or string. stack traceback; <box symbol I can't type or c/p>__Single-Splitter__/control.lua:in main chunk". I have tried going into the control.lua and looking at things, first checking line 13 as I assume that's what it meant, but that doesn't fix anything.
Re: Help updating Single Splitters for .16
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:12 pm
by AzraelSorrow
Well, removing line 13 from control.lua let's the mod load. However, the single splitter does nothing when placed. :/ Progress I guess.
So it's know, the line in control.lua in question that's causing the issue is: "script.on_event(, function(event) OnPrePlayerMinedItem(event) end)"