Devcod wrote:Actually you can do regeneration bonuses with some hacking around.
Yep, it's possible, I didn't mention it mostly because I didn't think to, which is probably because I personally prefer to let the C++ code do as much work as it can (since it's presumably been 'optimized' for doing that work already), and only write the code necessary to make the C++ code realize that I want it to do something, and so I sometimes don't think about mentioning that the same could be done more manually (also, the post that I pointed to was asking about inventory and that would be difficult, if not impossible, to do without character swapping; at least in such a way that the player can just as easily access all of the items, well unless it was just based on stack you see the point I was trying to make, hopefully).
Devcod wrote:blocks player movement with teleportation every tick)
how about using = false? Not sure if that affects crafting however, and it might also affect being able to operate entities so..depends on specific use.
Devcod wrote:bleeding is nice
I don't suppose you're using the poison effect for that? Hm, just checked into how that might be used and it looks like the poison cloud would actually have to be teleported on top of the player to continually damage them (which kind of makes sense lol), so maybe not any better than a simple set of lua vars (especially if you needed to change the amount of damage dynamically).
Not to say that either way is 'the' best of course, just my preference and thus the cloud through which I think. Thanks for mentioning it Devcod, always useful to learn new things (or to be reminded of them, as the case may be).