Can't place Bullets on the ground
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 4:01 am
I'm trying to have a stack of bullets spawn on the ground whenever the player kills an enemy unit.
Here's an example code:
This doesn't work. Gives the error that the item stack doesn't have the name parameter. The strange this is that it works properly for "rocket" or "cannon-shell", just not "basic-bullet-magazine" or "piercing-bullet-magazine".
This works:
Running version 0.13.18
Here's an example code:
Code: Select all
game.surfaces['nauvis'].create_entity{name="item-on-ground",position={0,0},stack={name="basic-bullet-magazine", count=1}}
This works:
Code: Select all
game.surfaces['nauvis'].create_entity{name="item-on-ground",position={0,0},stack={name="rocket", count=1}}