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Help with deviation

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 3:25 am
by Buhamut
I have been having a problem getting direction_deviation and range_deviation to function properly in my mod. I have my cannon set up to test it right now by making it fire 10 shots instead of 1 so it is easy to see what deviations are working and what ones are not. If I have the field "direction_only = true" enabled on my cannon shell then direction_deviation works flawlessly and the shells scatter just how I was expecting them to. However this disables the shells range targeting so it will not detonate when it gets to the target, just continue to sail off to max range (Give or take the deviation from range_deviation). I have collisions off for the shell as this is an artillery piece that needs to fire over trees and such. If I change direction_only to false, or remove it entirely, then all of my shells follow a perfect path to the target and hit every shot with perfect accuracy, even going so far as to curve mid flight to ensure a bulls-eye, though I was altering target_type between "position" and "direction" often during my tests to try to get the result I wanted, but neither seemed to do anything different.

I read that the patch notes for version 0.12.9 said: "Fixed projectiles with direction_only = false didn't respect direction_deviation configuration.". Was this re-broken, or never fixed? Is there anything else I can do to give my turret deviation AND range finding?