Can't fix problem with sprite sheet loading
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:14 pm
Hello, rith now creating vecile mod for last factorio version.
Car have 36 direction and sprite sheet is 36 images with 6*6 sprites (one sprite is 209*209, full image is 1266*1266)
But Factorio say what they cant load images longer what 8192 pixels.
Here is code
And this is error:
Please help, becouse i have no absolute idea what to do now.
Car have 36 direction and sprite sheet is 36 images with 6*6 sprites (one sprite is 209*209, full image is 1266*1266)
But Factorio say what they cant load images longer what 8192 pixels.
Here is code
Code: Select all
type = "car",
name = "diedozer",
icon = "__diedozer__/graphics/diedozer-icon.png",
icon_size = 64,
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "diedozer_item"},
max_health = 10000,
corpse = "medium-remnants",
energy_per_hit_point = 0.1,
effectivity = 3.0,
consumption = "150kW",
braking_power = "1MW",
friction = 0.002,
weight = 1000,
rotation_speed = 0.03,
inventory_size = 80,
immune_to_tree_and_rock_impacts = true,
tank_driving = true,
animation = {
layers = {
filename = "__diedozer__/graphics/diedozer_spritesheet.png",
width = 209,
height = 209,
line_length = 2,
frame_count = 36,
direction_count = 36,
scale = 0.5,
shift = {0, 0},
energy_source = {
type = "burner",
effectivity = 1,
fuel_inventory_size = 5,
smoke = {
name = "smoke",
deviation = {0.1, 0.1},
frequency = 10,
position = {0, -1.5},
starting_frame = 0,
starting_frame_deviation = 60
Code: Select all
Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "diedozer" (car): Height of a spritesheet (__diedozer__/graphics/diedozer_spritesheet.png) is too large. Maximum spritesheet height is 8192.
Modifications: Diedozer
Mods to be disabled:
• diedozer (0.1.0)