Thank you for responding.
I am able to create resources, but I cannot get the world-gen behaviour I want. To clarify, I want to control multiple resources with the same slider, so that if you increase the richness of the slider, resource A deposits and resource B deposits both increase. Technically, this works as far as I can tell.
Instead, the locations where the resources spawn is not what I want. Currently, the behaviour I have is that the game seems to try to spawn the ores on top of each other, meaning that only one of the ores is actually spawned in, when I actually want them to spawn in different locations. I have created example prototypes here:
This creates a single autoplace controller, and 3 resources. When I load up the game, it seems like only the Blue ore spawns in, which I assume is due to the fact that it spawns in first due to order, and the type of ore placement does not allow for existing patches to be overwritten.
Code: Select all
local resource_autoplace = require("resource-autoplace")
-- Create single autoplace control to manage all 3 resources
type = "autoplace-control",
name = "test-autoplace-control",
category = "resource",
can_be_disabled = true,
richness = true,
-- Create 3 test items, colored Red, Green, and Blue
type = "item",
name = "test-resource-R",
stack_size = 200,
icons = {
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore.png",
icon_size = 64,
icon_mipmaps = 4,
tint = { 1, 0, 0 },
type = "item",
name = "test-resource-G",
stack_size = 200,
icons = {
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore.png",
icon_size = 64,
icon_mipmaps = 4,
tint = { 0, 1, 0 },
type = "item",
name = "test-resource-B",
stack_size = 200,
icons = {
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore.png",
icon_size = 64,
icon_mipmaps = 4,
tint = { 0, 0, 1 },
-- Create resource patches for all test resources based on __base__ implementation
type = "resource",
name = "test-resource-R",
icons = {
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore.png",
icon_size = 64,
icon_mipmaps = 4,
tint = { 1, 0, 0 },
flags = { "placeable-neutral" },
tree_removal_probability = 0.8,
tree_removal_max_distance = 32 * 32,
minable = {
mining_time = 1,
result = "test-resource-R",
collision_box = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } },
selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } },
autoplace = resource_autoplace.resource_autoplace_settings({
name = "test-autoplace-control",
order = "b",
base_density = 1,
has_starting_area_placement = true,
starting_re_factor_multipler = 1,
regular_rq_factor_multiplier = 1.5,
stage_counts = { 15000, 9500, 5500, 2900, 1300, 400, 150, 80 },
stages = {
sheets = {
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-ore/iron-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
size = 64,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
tint = { 1, 0, 0 },
map_color = { 1, 0, 0 },
type = "resource",
name = "test-resource-G",
icons = {
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore.png",
icon_size = 64,
icon_mipmaps = 4,
tint = { 1, 0, 0 },
flags = { "placeable-neutral" },
tree_removal_probability = 0.8,
tree_removal_max_distance = 32 * 32,
minable = {
mining_time = 1,
result = "test-resource-G",
collision_box = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } },
selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } },
autoplace = resource_autoplace.resource_autoplace_settings({
name = "test-autoplace-control",
order = "b",
base_density = 1,
has_starting_area_placement = true,
starting_re_factor_multipler = 1,
regular_rq_factor_multiplier = 1.5,
stage_counts = { 15000, 9500, 5500, 2900, 1300, 400, 150, 80 },
stages = {
sheets = {
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-ore/iron-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
size = 64,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
tint = { 0, 1, 0 },
map_color = { 0, 1, 0 },
type = "resource",
name = "test-resource-B",
icons = {
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore.png",
icon_size = 64,
icon_mipmaps = 4,
tint = { 1, 0, 0 },
flags = { "placeable-neutral" },
tree_removal_probability = 0.8,
tree_removal_max_distance = 32 * 32,
minable = {
mining_time = 1,
result = "test-resource-B",
collision_box = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } },
selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } },
autoplace = resource_autoplace.resource_autoplace_settings({
name = "test-autoplace-control",
order = "b",
base_density = 1,
has_starting_area_placement = true,
starting_re_factor_multipler = 1,
regular_rq_factor_multiplier = 1.5,
stage_counts = { 15000, 9500, 5500, 2900, 1300, 400, 150, 80 },
stages = {
sheets = {
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-ore/iron-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
size = 64,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
tint = { 0, 0, 1 },
map_color = { 0, 0, 1 },