Issue extending data with new item
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:29 pm
I'm trying to add, let's say, a red accumulator. I have the code setup, and there are no errors. But when I try to insert it into my inventory, it says "Unknown item name: rose"
As an example, this code piece is straight from the fire-armor tutorial.
This works ~
Looking at this mod, it doesn't seem like there is anything special with accumulators to extend them. ... ulator.lua
Appreciate any help, thanks
As an example, this code piece is straight from the fire-armor tutorial.
This works ~
Code: Select all
/c game.player.insert{name="green-armor", count=10}
Code: Select all
local green_armor = table.deepcopy(data.raw["armor"]["heavy-armor"]) -- copy the table that defines the heavy armor item into the fireArmor variable = "green-armor"
green_armor.icons = {
icon = green_armor.icon,
icon_size = green_armor.icon_size,
tint = { r = 0, g = 100, b = 0, a = 0.3 }
data:extend { green_armor }
Code: Select all
/c game.player.insert{name="rose", count=100}
Code: Select all
local rose = table.deepcopy(data.raw["accumulator"]["accumulator"]) = "rose"
rose.icons = {
icon = rose.icon,
icon_size = rose.icon_size,
tint = { r = 100, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.3 }
data:extend { rose } ... ulator.lua
Appreciate any help, thanks