Can someone please count brackets for me? I'm serious.
Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 6:33 am
Made a basic mod as a hasty test. In practical terms all it should do is add a new, more expensive-to-craft accumulator with a different sprite. I was expecting to test it in this current stage, and then have to ask for help with the part where I make it work as all three of its constituent parts.
However, I can't even test it. Launching Factorio gives me the error:
I don't normally ask for help with hunt-the-missing-punctuation but I am going insane.
If anyone is feeling so disposed, would they tell me what I'm missing?
Here are the full contents of data.lua:
However, I can't even test it. Launching Factorio gives me the error:
The word "minable" does not appear at line 2. It appears at line 5. And, as far as i can tell, there are no missed brackets. My IDE highlights closing/opening brackets and I even manually counted.Failed to load mods: _ _3in1_ _/data.lua:5: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 2) near 'minable'
I don't normally ask for help with hunt-the-missing-punctuation but I am going insane.
If anyone is feeling so disposed, would they tell me what I'm missing?
Here are the full contents of data.lua:
{type = 'accumulator', name = '3in1-entity',
flags = {'placeable-neutral', 'player-creation'},
icon = sprite '3in1-item.png', icon_size = 64
minable = {mining_time = 1, result = '3in1-item'},
max_health = 150, corpse = 'small-remnants',
collision_box = {{-0.4, -0.4}, {0.4, 0.4}},
selection_box = {{-0.5, -1.3}, {0.5, 0.5}},
energy_source = {type = 'electric',
usage_priority = 'tertiary'},
vehicle_impact_sound = require("__base__/prototypes/entity/sounds")['generic_impact'],
picture = {
filename = sprite '3in1.png',
priority = 'extra-high',
width = 128,
height = 128,
shift = {0.5, -0.475},
scale = 0.5,},
circuit_wire_max_distance = default_circuit_wire_max_distance,
default_output_signal = {type='item', name='3in1'},
{type = 'item', name = '3in1-item',
icon = sprite '3in1-item.png', icon_size = 64,
subgroup = 'energy', order= 'z',
place_result = '3in1-entity',
stack_size = 50},
{type = 'recipe', name = '3in1-recipe',
normal = {ingredients=
{'accumulator', 1},
{'substation', 1},
{'roboport', 1}
result = '3in1-item',
energy_required = 30}},