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Maximum spritesheet width is 8192, but image is 1024 wide
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 8:23 pm
by SprocketCreations
Hello, I am out of ideas on how to get past this, so I have come here for help. My mod includes a bunch of sprite sheets, but no matter how I resize or recombine them, I always get this error on launch:
Code: Select all
1.072 Error ModManager.cpp:1560: Error while loading entity prototype "flatbed_wagon" (cargo-wagon): Width of a spritesheet (__mod__/graphics/entity/empty-flatbed-wagon/empty-flatbed-wagon-01.png) is too large. Maximum spritesheet width is 8192.
The file in question is 1024 x 1024 at 113KB
I tried originally with 2k square, but lowered it to 1k x 2k, then to 1k square. Idk why it is saying it is bigger than 8k. My best guess is I have something set up wrong somewhere else, but I have no idea how to go about diagnosing or even finding the problem.
Re: Maximum spritesheet width is 8192, but image is 1024 wide
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 9:20 pm
by Deadlock989
Post the code which is trying to reference this spritesheet and tell us how the spritesheet is organised (how many rows and columns, the size of each sprite within the sheet etc.). Mostly likely you are trying to reference too many columns of too large a sprite width which is totalling >= 8192 pixels.
Re: Maximum spritesheet width is 8192, but image is 1024 wide
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 10:18 pm
by SprocketCreations
The definition for the prototype (with comments removed) is as follows:
Code: Select all
local empty_flatbed_wagon = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw["cargo-wagon"]["cargo-wagon"]); = "flatbed_wagon";
empty_flatbed_wagon.inventory_size = 0;
empty_flatbed_wagon.minable = { mining_time = 1, result = "flatbed_wagon" }
empty_flatbed_wagon.horizontal_doors = nil;
empty_flatbed_wagon.vertical_doors = nil;
empty_flatbed_wagon.weight = 250; =
layers =
priority = "very-low",
width = 256,
height = 256,
direction_count = 128,
allow_low_priority_rotation = true;
back_equals_front = true;
lines_length = 4;
lines_per_file = 4;
filenames =
hr_version =
priority = "very-low",
width = 256,
height = 256,
direction_count = 128,
allow_low_priority_rotation = true;
back_equals_front = true;
lines_length = 4;
lines_per_file = 4;
scale = 1;
filenames =
At this point, there are 8 images. Each is 4 x 4 sprites. Each sprite is 256px sqr. The sheets are 1024px x 1024px.
Re: Maximum spritesheet width is 8192, but image is 1024 wide
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 10:41 pm
by SprocketCreations
Interestingly, that did change my error.
Code: Select all
1.397 Error AtlasSystem.cpp:1543: The given sprite rectangle (left_top=1024x0, right_bottom=1280x256) is outside the actual sprite size (left_top=0x0, right_bottom=1024x1024).
See the log file for more information.: __mod__/graphics/entity/empty-flatbed-wagon/empty-flatbed-wagon-01.png;
I feel I must be missing something here.
Re: Maximum spritesheet width is 8192, but image is 1024 wide
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 11:05 pm
by SprocketCreations
I tried changing the width and height to something really small, like 12, and that let me into the game with no errors. But when I placed down my modded wagon, it was invisible.
Re: Maximum spritesheet width is 8192, but image is 1024 wide
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 1:40 am
by SprocketCreations
I tried replacing the settings to match the vanilla cargo wagon's but it is still throwing the same error (max width 8192).
Code: Select all =
layers =
priority = "very-low",
width = 222,
height = 205,
dice = 4,
direction_count = 128,
allow_low_quality_rotation = true;
back_equals_front = true;
lines_length = 4;
lines_per_file = 8;
filenames =
Re: Maximum spritesheet width is 8192, but image is 1024 wide
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 3:34 am
by Silari
Looks like you misspelled 'line_length' in all your attempts as 'lines_length'. That means the game is assuming these are all on one line.
Re: Maximum spritesheet width is 8192, but image is 1024 wide
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 3:39 am
by SprocketCreations
Yup. Just noticed it myself after copy-pasting the prototype definition of the vanilla cargo wagon over mine. Thank you all for the help!
line_length defaults to 0, which means one row. Hence the bigger than 8k issue. It wasn't actually bigger than 8k, it just thought it was.