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Diffence between WorkingAnimation and Animation

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 5:00 pm
by Slasherbane
Hi all ^^

I try today to create a mod to change the default lab animation with a new one , but i don't really understand something that factorio the error startup say about "Different frame count". I write an animation array with specific animation count but it still say that error.

I see on the API that assembling machine have WorkingAnimation and lab only Animation or Animation array.

What differents they are please ?

Re: Diffence between WorkingAnimation and Animation

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:02 pm
by Cyberpro_
Based on some research of the prototype documentation form the official wiki ( and, the assembling machine has a animation for working (when it is crafting something) and idle animation witch is identical to the working one exept it is paused on the frame the machine stops crafting. the lab has a on animation played when researtching and an off one for when idle.

In diferent words the WorkingAnimation is paused when the machine is idle while the Animationarray will switch betewn an on and off animation (based on how i understand the documentation)