negative bonus from research
Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 9:30 pm
I know it seems crazy but I am trying to have a research slow attack speed while increasing damage for my unique towers I am making, it shows in game but the speed is having no effect, am i missing something or do i have to do this another way? and yes tower uses a unique ammo/damage type:
Code: Select all
type = "technology",
name = "photon-upgrade-1",
icon = "__protossbuildings__/icons/PCUP1.png",
icon_size = 128,
effects =
type = "ammo-damage",
ammo_category = "photon",
modifier = 0.5
type = "gun-speed",
ammo_category = "photon",
modifier = -0.1
prerequisites = {"photon-cannon-T1"},
unit =
count = 15,
ingredients =
{"automation-science-pack", 1}
time = 10
order = "e-a-za"