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[1.1.48] Entity with "water-tile" collision also collides with rails

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 9:19 pm
by Tubbles

I recently got a bug report on my mod ... 0a1c25fb51

It seems that when adding the "water-tile" collision string to the collision_mask of my entity, it started to also collide with train rails.

Can be seen in the following link:

Is this the intended behavior? If so, in what way should I put the collision_mask variable to make my entities collide with water, but not with rails?


Re: [1.1.48] Entity with "water-tile" collision also collides with rails

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:30 am
by posila
Rail also has "water-tile" collision mask by default: ... ision_mask, so this is not a bug.
Moving to modding help.

Re: [1.1.48] Entity with "water-tile" collision also collides with rails

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:51 am
by Tubbles
Thank you posila

I figured it out also this morning. I needed to add another collision layer and add that layer to both my entity and the water tile prototype :D