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[1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:37 am
by daisukehanako
Always freeze at the same timing.

Deleting the mod makes no difference.

Re: Always freeze at the same timing.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 8:41 am
by boskid
Congratulations, you have reached a max tick value of a given save file. We never assumed a single save file would be played long enough to overflow a uint32_t tick counter and your save file is basically at that tick.

The primary reason for this freeze is a transport belts remerge logic which schedules belts remerges to some future tick but due to the overflow the value lands on a tick that is way smaller than current tick causing such line to be remerged again, new tick again is way smaller than current tick and the cycle repeats without moving forward. I was experimenting with fixing this specific bit of logic but then i saw chunks fog of war started behaving incorrectly, output console was also working incorrectly and at some point all biters on the map started pathfinding. Given this issue happens due to unusual use case (in all cases i saw tick overflow it was due to dedicated server running a save file without pause when no players are present, or due to game speed set way higher than normal) that is only affecting a few people i am considering this to be a minor issue.

In order to fix this once and for all i would have to increase a MapTick to become uint64_t which would be affecting literally everyone by increasing save file sizes slightly and by increasing memory usage. I never did any measurements how many MapTicks are saved in a single save file so i do not want doing that. There is also modding backward compatibility i would have to take into consideration, because in some cases a MAX_TICK value may be leaking to a lua and by changing MapTick to become uint64_t, such MAX_TICK value would change and its not possible in lua to represent all tick values because lua uses double's which are able to represent integers up to 2^53.

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:31 pm
by Rseding91
The next question is: did you actually play for 828.5 real world days or did you enable "don't auto-pause" and leave it running on a server while ignoring it?

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:17 pm
by daisukehanako
I want to do infinite research, but I can't stay at home all the time.
My computer was running all the time except when I was sleeping.
However, the electricity bill did not rise as much as I was worried about.

It would be helpful if you could let me know if you have a solution.
If there is no personal solution, I will start over.
So please don't worry.

By the way, this is google translation.
from japan.


Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:44 pm
by Rseding91
One possible option is to make a new map; switch to the map editor (/editor), and in the "surface editor" import the existing save file as a new surface. Then you can play that surface in the new save.

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 5:41 am
by daisukehanako
Research is back to the beginning, but the factory is in a state where rockets can be launched.
There is another me.
There are some strange points, but let's try playing in this environment.


Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:34 pm
by Brambor
According to last FFF, this will be solved for 2.0 coming out with the expansion in about a year or so.

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:11 pm
by Gemma
daisukehanako wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2023 5:41 am
Research is back to the beginning, but the factory is in a state where rockets can be launched.
There is another me.
There are some strange points, but let's try playing in this environment.
I just want to say this post is like poetry.
Also it takes me back to outer wilds.

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:44 pm
by spiral_power
I am one of those who tried to overcome this issue.
My save continues to operate mostly normally in a post-overflow world, although there are still radar issues.

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:31 pm
by Disel0k
The maximum integer value that a double can represent with full accuracy is 2^52, or 2.37 million years' worth of ticks.
Can you imagine the disappointment that would befall the first player whose game froze 2.37 million years later? This is not fast two years Factorio speedrun...

P.S. Sorry for my google-english

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 9:38 pm
by Twisted_Code
Disel0k wrote:
Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:31 pm
The maximum integer value that a double can represent with full accuracy is 2^52, or 2.37 million years' worth of ticks.
Can you imagine the disappointment that would befall the first player whose game froze 2.37 million years later? This is not fast two years Factorio speedrun...

P.S. Sorry for my google-english
I'll be quite impressed if someone manages to do that while I'm still alive. I'm not sure how that would happen though. Perhaps it could happen by overclocking the game by a factor of 100,000, or accidentally breaking it with a mod that messes with time? Or maybe we will discover immortality.

PS: Regarding your English, the first sentence is fine. For your second sentence, I'm unsure what you meant. Can you try wording it differently before translation?

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:29 pm
by Speedy
I just realized that I'm going to hit this limit pretty soon... Rather than try to build a 10k SPM base that runs at 60 UPS, I've built up a 1.35k SPM base (half a lane of a blue belt of each science pack) that runs at the highest UPS I can manage. I've gotten it stable at roughly 600 UPS.

I leave it running 24/7, so I can crank out more than 10k science per real-time minute. Recently completed artillery range 15, for a cost of 64 million science. Mining productivity is up around level 400.

I find this easier than building a monster hyper-optimized megabase, and the high speed is kind of satisfying in itself. New construction orders are carried out so quickly!

But I've been running this factory for a couple of months now. If the maximum tick limit is 2.2 years, and I'm running my factory at 10x speed, that means I'm going to run into a wall after only 2.64 months! Noooooo! I have plans to implement some better optimizations, and maybe try expanding to 2.7k science per 60 ticks, and see if I can get that to stay above 300 UPS.

Any chance this issue will be patched in a release prior to the full expansion?

Re: [1.1.87] Freeze at specific time

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:00 pm
by spiral_power
As I wrote above, with ingenuity, it is possible to play beyond the limits of the current version.
The difficulty will increase if numerous mods are used. I have successfully pushed the limits with bob, but may not do it with SE.