[1.1.76] Rocket silo fast replace not preserving the auto-launch with cargo flag

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[1.1.76] Rocket silo fast replace not preserving the auto-launch with cargo flag

Post by curiosity »

To reproduce:
  1. Have at least two rocket silo prototypes in the same fast replace group (see code below).
  2. Place one of them, set it to auto-launch with cargo.
  3. Fast replace it with another one.
  4. See the checkbox unset and silo not launching once rocket has cargo.
Expected behavior: entity properties get preserved when fast replacing.

Note: it also dumps all contents on fast replace regardless if silos have the exact same recipe going etc. But IDK what causes it, so I didn't report it. Tell me if you want me make a bug report for this as well.

Code used for adding more silos:

Code: Select all

local template = {
    door_opening_speed = 1,
    light_blinking_speed = 1,
    rocket_parts_required = 19,
    rocket_rising_delay = 1,
    launch_wait_time = 1,
    arm_01_back_animation = {
        animation_speed = 32,
        hr_version = {animation_speed = 32},
    arm_02_right_animation = {
        animation_speed = 32,
        hr_version = {animation_speed = 32},
    arm_03_front_animation = {
        animation_speed = 32,
        hr_version = {animation_speed = 32},
    engine_starting_speed = 1,
    flying_acceleration = 0,
    flying_speed = 1/4,
    rising_speed = 1,
    fast_replaceable_group = 'fp-testing-silo',

local function make_rocket_silo(properties)
    local silo = util.merge{data.raw['rocket-silo']['rocket-silo'], template, properties}
    properties.name = properties.name .. '-rocket'
    silo.rocket_entity = properties.name
    local rocket = util.merge{data.raw['rocket-silo-rocket']['rocket-silo-rocket'], template, properties}
    data:extend{silo, rocket}

-- silo props
    name = '1rpm-door-opening-silo',
    door_opening_speed = 2/154,
    rocket_rising_delay = 2,

    name = '1rpm-light-blinking-silo',
    light_blinking_speed = 2/154,
    rocket_rising_delay = 2,

    name = '1rpm-rising-delay-silo',
    rocket_rising_delay = 154,

    name = '1rpm-launch-wait-silo',
    launch_wait_time = 154,

-- rocket props
    name = '1rpm-engine-starting-silo',
    engine_starting_speed = 1/153, -- sum of 1/N precision error

    name = '1rpm-flying-speed-silo',
    flying_speed = 0.5/154, -- sum of 1/N precision error, total distance = 0.5

    name = '1rpm-flying-acceleration-silo',
    flying_acceleration = 1/162,
    function time_in_flight(v, a)
        local s, c = 0, 0
        while s < 0.5 do
            s = s + v
            v = v + v * a -- may be v * (1 + a), which is different
            c = c + 1
        return c
    flying_speed = 1/512,

    name = '1rpm-rising-speed-silo',
    rising_speed = 1/154,

local base_silo = data.raw['rocket-silo']['rocket-silo']
base_silo.active_energy_usage = '80kW'
base_silo.energy_usage = '40kW'
base_silo.idle_enegy_usage = '20kW'
base_silo.energy_source.drain = '10kW'
base_silo.rocket_parts_required = 10
base_silo.fast_replaceable_group = 'fp-testing-silo'
Sorry it's not a separate mod, I have it tacked onto another mod for testing.

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Re: [1.1.76] Rocket silo fast replace not preserving the auto-launch with cargo flag

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. I see this issue does not happen in 1.2 so i am moving this to "Fixed for 1.2"

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