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[1.1.9] Spidertron inventory management not behaving as expected

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:48 am
by Niphyr
The spidertron inventory is not behaving as I would expect (as the player inventory does):
  1. The inventory is not sorted (or sortable) making it very difficult to view the contents at a glance
  2. Logistics and Construction bots are content creating half-stacks of items, using up extra inventory space
For the second one, below is a screenshot showing an example. There is a logistics request for 50 steel chests, and spidertron has them but there are two stacks of 25 each. The expected behaviour is one stack of 50. I am unsure if this is being caused by construction bots taking from the "wrong" stack or logistics bots putting them back on the "wrong" stack.


This behaviour does not happen with a sorted player inventory, leading to no inventory slots being wasted. It may be as simple as having an option to keep the spidertron's inventory sorted.

Re: [1.1.9] Spidertron inventory management not behaving as expected

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:10 am
by Xorimuth
It is an intentional decision by the devs not to auto-sort the spidertron inventory. I think that it should be sorted, so I added it into my mod

Re: [1.1.9] Spidertron inventory management not behaving as expected

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:41 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report however none of that is a bug. Robots will fill any not-full item stack when putting items into the spidertron inventory (as they always have with any inventory).

Re: [1.1.9] Spidertron inventory management not behaving as expected

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:11 am
by Niphyr
Thanks for the mod link and thanks for the clarification :)

Re: [1.1.9] Spidertron inventory management not behaving as expected

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:31 am
by invisus
Picker Inventory Tools also allows to sort Spidertron inventory, but allows it without the other enhancements, if that is something you're into...