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[1.0.0] Electric wire connections with enemy force inconsistent

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:31 am
by kittenface
I'm trying to use the electric network as a currency system and noticed that electric-pole of enemy factions can be connected to your own grid.

Place electric-pole near a electric-pole of an enemy force: wires autoconnect (not expected)
shift clicking enemy pole: doesn't work (expected)
shift click own pole: disconnects wire connection
pick up copper wire and try to reconnect them: doesn't work (expected)

I hope it's not intentional. If it is players should be able to manually connect wires to enemy electric-poles, too.

Re: [1.0.0] Electric wire connections with enemy force inconsistent

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:28 pm
by Rseding91
Electric poles specifically don't do any force-based filtering on auto-connection and that's intended.