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[0.18.3] Modded Furnace Icon Recipe Visual Bug

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:20 am
by Kryzeth
Very unspecific title, but basically, the icon over a working modded Furnace entity doesn't seem to update until at least one item has been processed.

Specifically, my mod has a modded furnace entity that takes finished products and "recycles" them into their original ingredients. That means a lot of different types of items can be inserted to be processed; so some users have set up recycling areas which take more than one different type of item to be processed.

The first item being processed has its icon updated just fine, but after the last item in that stack is finished processing, its icon remains on the modded furnace while the first item of the next stack is being processed. After the first item of the next stack has been processed, THEN the icon on the furnace is updated to the icon of the next stack.

One person handed me a save showcasing the visual bug here, with contained save file and (probably unhelpful) log. The save file should have all extraneous mods removed, except for Warehousing and my mod in question (Reverse Factory)

This visual bug MAY apply to the vanilla furnace family, but I'm not entirely sure, since vanilla furnaces generally only process one single type of item in their lifetime. I do have one single function that runs in control.lua, but the user in question claims to have disabled that setting, so it shouldn't affect the issue.

Re: [0.18.3] Modded Furnace Icon Recipe Visual Bug

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 7:56 am
by kirazy
I confirmed this happens for a vanilla furnace as well. It was necessary to have the furnace loaded by inserters; with the GUI open it updates correctly.

Re: [0.18.3] Modded Furnace Icon Recipe Visual Bug

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:38 pm
by posila
I couldn't reproduce the issue.

I think there is a confusion cause by ingredients being consumed at the start of crafting cycle (so the can't be removed), and products being outputted at the end of the crafting cycle. The machine is still very much crafting recipe A, while ingredients for recipe B are being loaded to its input inventory already.

Re: [0.18.3] Modded Furnace Icon Recipe Visual Bug

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:50 pm
by darkfrei
I don't know if it's same error or another one.

Problem by the icon for electric furnace, the icon size was not respected.

Hot to reproduce: update the mod version 0.3.1 to Factorio version 0.18

After change the icon size to 64x64 as the game want, it makes wrong icon in the game up to prototype change.