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[0.17.31] Public server list displays old information

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:44 pm
by TwentyEighty
Server log:

Code: Select all

  1.843 Script @__stdlib__/stdlib/data/data.lua:44: Recipe recipe/bi-wooden-fence does not exist.  [stack traceback:->__pycoalprocessing__/prototypes/updates/recipe-updates.lua:22:]
   1.844 Script @__stdlib__/stdlib/data/data.lua:44: Recipe recipe/wood does not exist.  [stack traceback:->__pycoalprocessing__/data-updates.lua:48:]
   1.844 Script @__pycoalprocessing__/prototypes/recipes/advanced-foundry-recipes.lua:49: Creating additional foundry recipes
   1.935 Loading mod pyfusionenergy 1.2.0 (data-updates.lua)
   2.031 Loading mod pyhightech 1.1.2 (data-updates.lua)
   2.380 Script @__stdlib__/stdlib/data/data.lua:44: Recipe recipe/remud-dirty-water does not exist.
[stack traceback:->__pyhightech__/data-updates.lua:26:]
   2.381 Script @__stdlib__/stdlib/data/data.lua:44: Item steel-bearing does not exist.  [stack traceback:->__pyhightech__/data-updates.lua:44:]
   2.381 Script @__stdlib__/stdlib/data/data.lua:44: Recipe reci
Public server list


Notice pyhightech. I can sometimes fix this by restarting the server. Sometimes it displays correctly, sometimes it says the mod is old. When I try to join the game, it says the mod versions don't match, even though in reality they do match.

Additionally another user in the discord server-setup-help saw something similiar with the hours played on a map.

As I was typing this I hit refresh again and the problem went away.


These pictures were taken within minutes of each other. The problem keeps coming and going.

Re: [0.17.31] Public server list displays old information

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:16 pm
by Benneb
I was seeing the same with the server name, playtime and it was showing me as playing when I wasn't.
The problem has finally gone away after ~12 hours. The server itself was offline for ~8-10hours

Re: [0.17.31] Public server list displays old information

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:19 pm
by TwentyEighty
I don't see this anymore either :shrug:

Re: [0.17.31] Public server list displays old information

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:41 am
by Jon8RFC
I've also experienced weirdness with server displays:
viewtopic.php?f=11&t=47244&p=306847&hil ... te#p306847

I wonder if it's related to Factorio game servers run on server farms or VMs that are less-than-perfectly setup, or just needing a better purge setting on Factorio's side.

Re: [0.17.31] Public server list displays old information

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:45 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. This is how the server list works: it caches the information and if a server just dies or is killed without going through the proper steps the list has no way to know it doesn't exist anymore. When a server is created or updated it takes some time for the list to update and so you may see outdated information until that happens.