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[0.17.8] Entity values in Ammo/Personal Bar not added to total amount

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:59 pm
by MagicKyrano
The Quickbar shortcuts only show total amount of an item in your inventory, it does not add the values in the Personal/Ammo Bar on the bottom right corner on-screen. (see screenshot).


The Quickbar shows total of 3 yellow ammo, 110 uranium ammo and 26 nukes, exactly what is in the inventory, but the 9 yellow ammo, 90 uranium ammo and 10 nukes in the bottom-right corner are not added to this total amount.

This problem occurred in a savegame, but I've confirmed (see screenshot) that starting a new game and setting ammo values in both your inventory and in the Personal/Ammo Bar does not work either.

Factorio 0.17.8, Linux Mint 18.x

Re: [0.17.8] Entity values in Ammo/Personal Bar not added to total amount

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:17 pm
by tehfreek
There's no way to grab anything from your personal bar via the quickbar, only from your inventory, so I don't see this as a bug.

Re: [0.17.8] Entity values in Ammo/Personal Bar not added to total amount

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:19 pm
by kovarex
Yes, this is consistent with the way the functionality is defined.

If you have some ammo in your inventory you want to put somewhere (turret for example), you don't want it to "steal" the ammo you are using for personal defense.

Re: [0.17.8] Entity values in Ammo/Personal Bar not added to total amount

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:43 am
by MagicKyrano
The idea was that I could instantly see if I had all required items for fight-mode (ammo,repair-packs), and that I could see how much ammo was left. But I see your point. I can still see how much ammo I have now, but I have to combine the virtual ammo amount on the Quickbar with the ammo on the Personal/Ammo bar for a grand total.