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[0.17.8] Tooltips of enemy structures reveal inventory contents, signals, and recipe - bug or intentional?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:20 pm
by H0lyD4wg
Tooltips of enemy structures reveal inventory contents, circuit signals, and selected recipe. [Expected: tooltips will not reveal this information regarding enemy structures]

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Download the attached scenario and start playing. When you start the scenario, anything inside the large hazard-concrete square belongs to the player's force, while structures outside that square belong to a hostile force called "rival".
  2. Go west and look for a blue assembling machine.
  3. Focus the assembling machine. The tooltip will reveal that the selected recipe is empty-lubricant-barrel and the machine contains empty barrels. [Expected: selected recipe and inventory contents of enemy structures are not revealed]
  4. Focus the adjacent storage tank. The tooltip will reveal that it contains about 350 units of lubricant. Having the tooltip reveal the contents of fluid boxes probably isn't a problem, because pipes and storage tanks have windows that show the color and level of fluid anyway.
  5. Focus the combinators and power the power pole they are connected to. The tooltip will reveal the signals A=1 and C=1. [Expected: circuit signals of enemy structures are not revealed]
Scenario: download/file.php?id=44481
Log: download/file.php?id=44480

Re: [0.17.8] Tooltips of enemy structures reveal inventory contents, signals, and recipe - bug or intentional?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:34 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report: intentional.