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[16.30] 'pulsing' server not responding.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 2:12 am
by bbgun06
I'm posting this as it's own bug because I've seen it a number of times and I can't tell if it is a cause or effect of other bugs.
Sometimes this happens while I'm already in a multiplayer game, and sometimes while trying to connect.
The game appears to run at about one tick per second (from watching the animations.)
The progress bar drops about once per second, but not more than it has filled up in that time. The result is that I am eventually dropped from the game. A few times the problem went away before I was dropped, however.
I've seen this issue on two different computers.
I managed to get a video so you can see what I'm talking about: ... sp=sharing

Re: [16.30] 'pulsing' server not responding.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 2:24 am
by Loewchen
That looks like a network issue, you drop the packet continuously so it can never finish.

Re: [16.30] 'pulsing' server not responding.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 2:30 am
by Rseding91
Loewchen wrote:That looks like a network issue, you drop the packet continuously so it can never finish.
Based off the rate at which it's reducing the "not responding" bar that's exactly what it is: packets are getting dropped in large amounts and every few game ticks its detected and drops the not-responding bar slightly but so many packets are dropped it can't keep up.