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[0.10.12 - minor] Minimap is a little bit too small

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:16 pm
by Lone_Player

The Bug for the Minimap Window size, was not fixed for 10.12 ( sorry...)
I play the 10.12 German Version, but the Minimap Window Size bug was not comp. fixed.

10.11 Bug Thread -> ... =11&t=5818

It happen´s for; {i have included the english name & -> 1, 2 or 3 the Problem´s Nature}

1. Lichtbogenofen -> Electric furnace -> 1
2. Montagemaschine -> Assembling Machine -> 1
3. Roboterhangar -> Roboport -> 1
4. Elektrischer Erzförderer -> Electric mining drill -> 1
5. Rohöl-Förderpumpe -> Pumpjack -> 1
6. Befeuerte Lokomotive -> Diesel locomotive ->2
7. Wissenschaftslabor -> Lab -> 2
8. Zugstation -> Train stop -> 2
9. Chemiefabrik -> Chemical plant ->1
10. Ölraffinerie -> Oil refinery -> 1 & 2
11. Both Robot´s -> 3

anything else is ok ( i have searched anything & anywhere for it.. ;) )

( it even happen´s for device´s from a mod if they have a.) a filled Module Slot or b.) a too long Mining Drill Operator´s Name.

etc. etc. it happen´s when a line of text of the device got to long to fit into the norm. Window size.

1. Example: Electric furnace; " Maximaler Energieverbrauch: 450 kW (+150%) " if u remove the Modules from the Module Slot.
Then the Window Size of the Minimap Window return to Normal, When u move the mouse over it. If u put the modules back in,
the "Maximaler Energieverbrauch: 450 kW (+150%)" is back & the line of text is again to long for the Minimap Window Size
& the Window get larger again, if u move the mouse over it.

2. There it happen´s when the Name of the Mining Drill Operator is to long. ( Can be fixed by renaming the Station, or replace it for a shorter Name )

3. Here it is the " Maximaler Energieverbrauch: 600 W + 1.0 kj/m "

Re: [0.10.12 - minor] Minimap is a little bit too small

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:52 pm
by Rseding91
That doesn't sound like a bug. The window *can't* be big enough to literally hold any text - it has it's set size and if something adds text/displays information larger than it can hold it resizes to show it and resizes back to default when done.

Re: [0.10.12 - minor] Minimap is a little bit too small

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:24 pm
by Lone_Player
Well from 9,8 (where i started playing Factorio) to 10.10 it was large enough to hold all the Text. So we have 2 possibilities;
a) the Minimap Info Window was larger at the time, from 9.8 -> 10.10
b) the font size for the info was smaller

Re: [0.10.12 - minor] Minimap is a little bit too small

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:07 pm
by kovarex
As long as the sidebar gets smaller again when the text is no longer there, I don't consider it a bug, as there will be always some kind of translation or mod item name that just can't fit it.
I don't want to make the sidebar permanently larger, as it is obstructing the view of the game.