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[15.37] Jumping gaps on transport belt

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:05 pm
by Mimos

it seems I cannot search the forum for "gap" so I hope this is not a double post.

I got a steel transport belt which is completely compressed but after a tunnel and some curves there suddenly are some gaps. And these gaps are even jumping forth and back.
Jumping steel.jpg
Jumping steel.jpg (596.44 KiB) Viewed 2002 times
Green frame: everything nicely comressed
Red frame: jumping gaps

Here is an animated version:
jumping gaps.gif
jumping gaps.gif (3.06 MiB) Viewed 2002 times
You can see it jump two times on the horizontal part:
- once the gap jumps forward about one tile and then continues "to be transported" normally
- once the gap jumps forward about one tile and then vanishes (the latter being completely normal if a short stutter occurrs)
Sometimes the gaps also jump backwards.

The savegame. I recompressed it with 7z (lzma2) for a size reduction, so you need to unpack and then zip it before loading.
jumping gaps.7z
(29.06 MiB) Downloaded 77 times

Re: [15.37] Junping gaps on transport belt

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:24 pm
by Rseding91
Is your steel belt one reallllly long belt?

Re: [15.37] Jumping gaps on transport belt

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:16 pm
by Mimos
Yes, it is pretty long (hundrets of tiles, probably more than 1k), propably the longest I got in my factory.

Re: [15.37] Jumping gaps on transport belt

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:02 pm
by Rseding91
Mimos wrote:Yes, it is pretty long (hundrets of tiles, probably more than 1k), propably the longest I got in my factory.
That would be why then :) There's a recursion limit for how far a belt will update before it stops to avoid a stack-overflow. You just happen to be seeing that point and it causes this small gap in the items because the belts before/after that point are updated in different orders every few ticks.

That's working as intended - to avoid crashing the game we have to deal with these small things from time to time :)

Re: [15.37] Jumping gaps on transport belt

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:14 pm
by Mimos
I'm still surprised that this causes the gaps to occurr and then jump forth or back, but you probably know what you are talking about :-) .
Thanks for the explaination.