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[15.23] 15.22 release broke Vehicle Wagon mod

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:51 pm
by leoch
I've been using the Vehicle Wagon mod.

Prior to 15.22, this worked fine. From this version, the winch no longer works: instead of clicking a vehicle, then a vehicle wagon, the winch gets removed from the cursor when clicking the vehicle. As such, it's impossible to load onto wagons any more (possibly also unload; can't test).

The UI for the mod is a little weird to start with ("click", "click"), but it did work previously. I don't know whether the best fix is to change the way the mod works or to revert some change to the game engine.

Mod thread

Re: [15.23] 15.22 release broke Vehicle Wagon mod

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:08 pm
by Loewchen
Mods need to be build to work with the game not the other way round. If there are modding tools in the game that do not work as documented a mod author can report those.