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[0.15.18] Robot count in circuit network inconsistent

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:12 pm
by Bobanaut
using the circuit network on a roboport gives your robot counts inside the roboports + inside the covered area of these roboports.

Unfortunately robots are allowed to fly outside of that area when crossing water or U shaped coverage areas.

At this point these bots are no longer counted in the circuit network condition.

Recommended fix: count bots on destination rather than bot position, same check against coverage area should yield proper results as the destination is always inside, the bot position is not.

Re: [0.15.18] Robot count in circuit network inconsistent

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:29 pm
by Rseding91
The count has nothing to do with the robots being inside the logistics/construction area of a network so I'm not sure what you're talking about with that. The count is the same as the tooltip info when you hover over a logistics entity.

Can you post a small save file showing what you're referring to?

Re: [0.15.18] Robot count in circuit network inconsistent

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:56 pm
by Bobanaut
nevermind. after trying to reproduce it i found the issue...

when deconstructing a roboport bots in that port will be transported as items, reducing the total count of bots in the network... i always assumed they just leave the roboport and go to other roboports, they don't, not all of them.

My main base has conditions for accidental bot pickup to get them back into the network, explains why i see my conditions not working as expected.