[0.14.22-0] Circuit Network: Connect Cable: Key Bindings
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:29 am
First of all there is no issue with Circuit Network
There is however an issue with connecting items with circuit cables
Default key bindings works:
- left click is build
> select cable left click on one item, left click on another item = connected
Now try this:
- change build binding with plan binding
- now left click is plan and shift+left click is build
> select cable left click on one item, left... what? nothing happend?!
> ..
ooh wait i cant "plan" connections i have to "build" them
> select cable shift+left click on one item, shift+left... what? nothing happend again?!
Got the idea?
To connect cables the "build" command MUST NOT BE SHIFT+left click
Other combinations like control+left click however ARE working
So why is that?

There is however an issue with connecting items with circuit cables
Default key bindings works:
- left click is build
> select cable left click on one item, left click on another item = connected
Now try this:
- change build binding with plan binding
- now left click is plan and shift+left click is build
> select cable left click on one item, left... what? nothing happend?!

> ..

> select cable shift+left click on one item, shift+left... what? nothing happend again?!

Got the idea?
To connect cables the "build" command MUST NOT BE SHIFT+left click
Other combinations like control+left click however ARE working
So why is that?