[13.13] Crashes during autosave
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:02 pm
The game started crashing randomly during autosaves after a playtime of ~45h on the current map. After the first crash factorio will now always crash between 5-45 min playtime on this map. It started with .13 and it doesnt seem dependend which .13 version i'm using. Factorio crashed never before .13 and i created substantial bigger factories heavily modded with more biters.
I'm using no mods or any modifaction at the moment. Current game was started after .13 launch. The crashs happen at the beginnng of an autosave with the message: "unexpected error orrurred. if you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.[...]." A corrupted savefile will be generated _autosave*/tmp/*2/.zip *=1-3 *2=4letters
Afterwards i can load the last autosave and continue like nothing happened ever. although the next crash will come. i couldnt find any correlation between the actions before a crash.
Log file:
latest savegame attached
there is a topic about Game crash after destroyed structure, but i couldnt see any relation to a destroyed structure.
Maybe related to this topic?
I'm using no mods or any modifaction at the moment. Current game was started after .13 launch. The crashs happen at the beginnng of an autosave with the message: "unexpected error orrurred. if you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.[...]." A corrupted savefile will be generated _autosave*/tmp/*2/.zip *=1-3 *2=4letters
Afterwards i can load the last autosave and continue like nothing happened ever. although the next crash will come. i couldnt find any correlation between the actions before a crash.
Log file:
Code: Select all
0.003 2016-08-05 21:56:06; Factorio 0.13.13 (build 23721, win32, steam)
0.003 Operating system: Windows XP Service Pack 3
0.003 Program arguments: "I:\Steam2\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\Win32\Factorio.exe"
0.003 Read data path: I:/Steam2/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
0.003 Write data path: C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/[...]/Anwendungsdaten/Factorio
0.003 Binaries path: I:/Steam2/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
0.072 Graphics options: [FullScreen: true] [VSync: true] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 100%] [Screen: 255] [DXT: false]
0.074 Available display adapters: 1
0.074 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 {0x8000005, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 59Hz}
0.074 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [310, 162].
0.382 Initialised Direct3D:[0] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260; driver: nv4_disp.dll
0.422 Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 0/0/0/1337 MB
4.519 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
4.731 Loading mod base 0.13.13 (data.lua)
6.053 Checksum for core: 3471280900
6.053 Checksum for mod base: 439759882
8.596 Initial atlas bitmap size is 8192
8.711 Created atlas bitmap 8192x8179
8.775 Created atlas bitmap 8192x4353
8.782 Created atlas bitmap 4096x968
45.671 Sprites loaded
45.671 Convert atlas 4096x968 to: trilinear-filtering
45.934 Loading sounds...
50.126 Custom inputs active: 0
50.667 Factorio initialised
51.434 Game is running on selected version branch on Steam.
83.104 Loading map C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen\[...]\Anwendungsdaten\Factorio\saves\_autosave2.zip
83.612 Info Scenario.cpp:127: Map version 0.13.13-0
96.614 Checksum for script C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/[...]/Anwendungsdaten/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 900459546
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (904): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\src\util\logger.cpp (328): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\src\util\logger.cpp (382): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (84): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (169): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
d:\th\minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\heap\new_handler.cpp (79): _callnewh
f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\heap\new_scalar.cpp (24): operator new
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\memory (1638): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\src\util\threadedbufferedwritestream.cpp (10): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\src\package\zippackagewriter.cpp (55): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (576): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-yew5iq\src\scenario\parallelscenariosaver.cpp (68): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
c:\boost_1_61_0\boost\thread\detail\thread.hpp (116): `dynamic initializer for 'Concurrency::details::SchedulerBase::s_subAllocatorFreePool''
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00BEAD8E)
00BEAD8E (Factorio): (filename not available): __crtCompareStringW
d:\th\minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\startup\thread.cpp (115): thread_start<unsigned int (__stdcall*)(void *)>
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 7C80B729)
7C80B729 (kernel32): (filename not available): GetModuleFileNameA
3394.409 Error CrashHandler.cpp:85: Map tick at moment of crash: 11016001
3394.409 Error Util.cpp:77: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
there is a topic about Game crash after destroyed structure, but i couldnt see any relation to a destroyed structure.
Maybe related to this topic?