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Underground belts randomly getting jammed

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:59 am
by Vox Imperatoris
Several times during my game, a pair of underground belts will randomly get jammed, at which point I have to tear up both of the pair and lay them down again (tearing up just one doesn't fix the jam).

This is highly annoying since you usually don't notice until you start running out of something.

In any case, I finally had the foresight to save my game before I fixed it, so here is an example. I'm playing the latest version. In the save I'm standing right on top of where the jam is, on a conveyor belt carrying solid fuel.

Re: Underground belts randomly getting jammed

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:10 am
by Rseding91
Your underground belt is backwards:


Re: Underground belts randomly getting jammed

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:00 am
by Vox Imperatoris
Okay, thanks!

Honestly, I didn't realize they could even be backwards. Since you can only turn them in four directions, how do you set them to "facing left / moving left" versus "facing left / moving right? Aren't they supposed to automatically orient right based on how you've hooked them up to the other belts?

Re: Underground belts randomly getting jammed

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:10 am
by sillyfly
Original orientation is based on how you placed them - first -> last.
You can change orientation by pressing 'r' while the mouse is over one of the ends.