[0.12.4] crash on incorrect creation of beam
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:42 pm
by Adil
Basically I've just tried to create_entity
without specifying source_entity in parameter table. Other ways of incorrect invocation trigger normal error message.
edit: Actually, I've got no idea whatever it expects me to type in I've tried "source" and "source_entity" and both generated the error about "create beam without source entity" and caused crash.
Code: Select all
10.646 Factorio initialised
16.451 Loading map
16.451 Info Scenario.cpp:160: Map version 0.12.4-3
38.136 Error Beam.cpp:33: Cannot create beam without source entity.
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
38.832 Warning Logger.cpp:315: Symbols.size() == 38, usedSize == 27
#0 0x5e9859 in SignalHandler at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:139
#1 0x7fa081663d40 in ?? at ??:0
#2 0x7fa081663cc9 in ?? at ??:0
#3 0x7fa0816670d8 in ?? at ??:0
#4 0x5eab63 in _ZN4BeamC4ERK24EntityCreationParametersRK15TriggerModifierRK14ShootingTargetjj6Vector at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Entity/Beam.cpp:33
#5 0x5eb01d in _ZN12TargeterBaseD4Ev at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Util/Targeter.cpp:47 (discriminator 6)
#6 0x489e70 in _ZN8TargeterI6EntityED4Ev at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Util/Targeter.hpp:63 (discriminator 6)
#7 0x8726b9 in _ZN15TriggerModifierD4Ev at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Trigger/TriggerModifier.hpp:7 (discriminator 6)
#8 0x872c20 in createInternal at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Entity/BeamPrototype.cpp:42 (discriminator 6)
#9 0x4457cf in create at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Entity/EntityPrototype.cpp:317
#10 0xa68fae in createEntity at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Util/LuaHelper.cpp:1160
#11 0xa66e9d in luaCreateEntity at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Script/LuaSurface.cpp:466
#12 0xa693be in callWrapper at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Script/LuaBinder.hpp:307
#13 0xa69f0d in luaD_precall(lua_State*, lua_TValue*, int) at crtstuff.c:?
#14 0xa550d8 in luaV_execute(lua_State*) at crtstuff.c:?
#15 0x968bdb in luaD_call(lua_State*, lua_TValue*, int, int) at crtstuff.c:?
#16 0x96af9c in luaD_pcall(lua_State*, void (*)(lua_State*, void*), void*, long, long) at crtstuff.c:?
#17 0x968603 in lua_pcallk(lua_State*, int, int, int, int, int (*)(lua_State*)) at ??:?
#18 0x7fbb34 in runLuaCommand at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Script/LuaGameScript.cpp:851
#19 0x4b5cb8 in runLuaCommand at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Script/LuaContext.cpp:150
#20 0x9b1fbf in executeCommand at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/CommandProcessor.cpp:104
#21 0x9c3187 in std::string::_M_rep() const at /usr/include/c++/5/bits/basic_string.h:2694
#22 0x71b218 in _ZNSsD4Ev at /usr/include/c++/5/bits/basic_string.h:2940
#23 0x782e44 in process at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/CommandProcessor.cpp:38
#24 0xd0731f in writeToConsole at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/GameActionHandler.cpp:1731
#25 0x7fa0831d0182 in actionPerformed at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/GameActionHandler.cpp:206 (discriminator 4)
#26 0x7fa08172747d in flushToListeners at /tmp/factorio-OYbEE9/src/Input/InputHandler.cpp:36
39.533 Warning Logger.cpp:315: Symbols.size() == 37, usedSize == 26
39.533 Error Util.cpp:46: Unexpected error occurred. You can help us to solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.