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space platform going at over 200,000 km/s

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 4:56 pm
by the watermelon god
I'm not sure exactly how I did this

I was messing around in sandbox and decided to make my space platform look a bit fancier, specifically changing most of the tiles using /editor (coloured refined concrete)
after doing this, I flew it to fulgora from aquilo which it did incredibly quickly
after sending it to the shattered planet and having it crash my game from the number of meteorites (understandably), I decided to put it in a loop going from nauvis to volcanus due to the lower meteor count

I didn't measure the speed of the space platform at its peak but my most recent screenshot (attached) showed a speed of 281,732 km/s
as I said, I gave no idea what caused this or how to recreate it

the only mods I was using at the time where the space age mods and blueprint sandbox
I have attached a screenshot, my save file and my factorio-current.log

Re: space platform going at over 200,000 km/s

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:20 pm
by boskid
Thanks for the report however i am not considering this to be a real bug even when it is quite funny. Space platform logic works under assumption that there are space platform tiles to compute weight and size of the space platform. Your platform has no space platform tiles so the math goes wild.

Re: space platform going at over 200,000 km/s

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:32 pm
by Hares
Congratulations, you've reached 94% terminal velocity. Unfortunately, Factorio does not take relativistic speeds into account, because your space platform should performed 3x times slower during flight due to special relativity time slowdown. Fortunately, this time slowdown is performed by a PC trying to compute such speed and asteroid density.