[2.0.20] Blueprint library window recenters every time another book is opened
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 3:03 pm
There is already a thread here (viewtopic.php?p=642394&sid=d3cfa264c5d3 ... f91b2d5342), so feel free to close this one and move that one over from Gameplay Help.
Every time a blueprint book is opened, the blueprint library window jumps back to the center of the screen. If you try to build something and have organized your blueprints in a lot of books, this is quite annoying, as you have to move the window to the side each time to see what you are building. This also happens with child book that you navigate through a lot for example a "Rails Book" with the children "Stations" and "Curves". If you go down or upwards, which you probably do a lot during building, the window recenters each time.
Every time a blueprint book is opened, the blueprint library window jumps back to the center of the screen. If you try to build something and have organized your blueprints in a lot of books, this is quite annoying, as you have to move the window to the side each time to see what you are building. This also happens with child book that you navigate through a lot for example a "Rails Book" with the children "Stations" and "Curves". If you go down or upwards, which you probably do a lot during building, the window recenters each time.