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[2.0.15] Science Usage Counts Wrong

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 4:56 pm
by jpt13653903
Odd that I cannot find an existing report on this... Closest I found is this, but that is for a very old version. And -- it states that the science points are awarded correctly, it's only the statistics that display wrong.

I noticed that my research is going slower than expected, so I investigated... I have the following setup:
11-09-2024, 18-37-21.png
11-09-2024, 18-37-21.png (2.04 MiB) Viewed 255 times
There are no modules in the labs, and their research speed is 3.5 (+250%) from research.

When I import Agricultural Science from Gleba, I would expect that the science progressed equals the number of flasks I import, but it does not (remember -- no modules). In the specific example I logged, I imported 1000 flasks from Gleba, and Spidertron was at 2052/2500. After the labs consumed the 1000x flasks, the Spidertron was finished, but the next one in the list (Fish Breeding) was only at 41/500. I would have expected that it should be finished -- what happened to my other 511 flasks?

None of the Gleba flasks turned to spoilage -- I checked.

I checked other times as well, but didn't do an explicit flask count -- only noticed that the research that should have been complete wasn't.

I have not checked if the same issue exists when I don't chain-feed the labs.

Re: [2.0.15] Science Usage Counts Wrong

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 5:01 pm
by atomizer
Science packs give less research proportional to their spoil timer. Make better logistics to get more out of them.

Re: [2.0.15] Science Usage Counts Wrong

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:35 am
by jpt13653903
Thanks for the info.

Please could you add that information to the Factoriopedia and / or description of the science pack? Unless I'm being blind?

At the moment it simply reads: "Used by labs for research." I would suggest updating to: "Used by labs for research. Science capacity proportional to freshness."

Re: [2.0.15] Science Usage Counts Wrong

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:44 am
by IsaacOscar
The information is in tips and tricks:
12-08-2024, 17-44-56.png
12-08-2024, 17-44-56.png (76.19 KiB) Viewed 57 times