however when the machine uses quality modules and the quality upgrades an instance of the higher quality is visible under production and the lower quality under consumption, the expected behavior is that the item _never_ shows up on either side of the chart.
Code: Select all
quality_holmium_solution_recipe.results = {
{type = "item", name="holmium-solution-quality-based-productivity", amount = 1, ignored_by_stats = 1},
{type = "fluid", name="holmium-solution", amount = 100},
- install ... m-solution version 1.0.0 (the version number is important)
- place this blueprint in a fresh 50x50 world
Code: Select all
strigweasel pointed out the existance of 120132 that describes that this was intentionally added, but this prevents me from actually *ignoring* and item from the stats, and there is no item prototype flag or anything to blacklist an item from showing up in the production stats.