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Disappearing items when contraption builds Iron plate smelter

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 8:24 pm
by petricottontail
I'm a long time player (I think since 0.12 or something?) but was interested in seeing what y'all have done with the scenario. I went and built a stone furnace in front of a burner-miner so that I could produce more iron plates quickly. When I had completed the task to have 1 burner-inserter, a few belts and a just needed a miner in my inventory I picked up the miner from my iron plate/furnace assembly leaving the furnace where it was. The contraption took over and assembled it's more complex iron plate production deleting my furnace. I expected that the furnace would pop up in my inventory after it was completed however it seems that the furnace was deleted completely.

While not a huge bug, this might be more of an issue if I had a more complex set up in that area. Perhaps some gating to restrict what can be placed in that area or a deconstruction order that gets funneled into the player's inventory before the construction robots get to work would solve this issue.

Keep up the good work, really impressed with the stuff y'all have been working on the last several years!

Re: Disappearing items when contraption builds Iron plate smelter

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:17 am
by wheybags
Sorry, this is not a bug, moving to the suggestions subforum.