[0.17.34] Placement Scenario

Suggestions relating to the Introduction and Campaign mode in Factorio
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[0.17.34] Placement Scenario

Post by Ranger_Aurelien »

I'm not sure if this technically a bug or a limit of what the Scenario tool is trying to do with vanilla Factorio:

The "Space" campaign should not count undeployed buildings against the victory score, or you should be allowed to sell back buildings to the "market".

It has happened a few times when I play the scenario that I,say, buy 6 electric miners (for 50 pts each), then as I go through the iterations, find I only need 5 on the ground, and it turns out I end up losing by, say, 32 credits. Ideally that 6th miner should not count against my credits. I can only take a screenshot, restart from the beginning, and buy only 5 miners.

Perhaps a workaround might be to create a separate island that will suck up and refund buildings you put down on it?
Ranger Aurelien
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Re: [0.17.34] Placement Scenario

Post by DaleStan »

How do you plan to prevent people from buying a miner, using it, and then mining it and selling it back to the factory to push themselves up over the limit?

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Re: [0.17.34] Placement Scenario

Post by Ranger_Aurelien »

Not sure how this slipped through, but:

You can't place or remove any item while the puzzle is "Running".
Ranger Aurelien
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Re: [0.17.34] Placement Scenario

Post by abregado »

Ranger_Aurelien wrote:
Wed May 01, 2019 3:27 pm
Perhaps a workaround might be to create a separate island that will suck up and refund buildings you put down on it?
I was going to take a look at these scenarios if/when I get some time away from The New Campaign and the NPE.

How does this sound:

You actually have 2 of every structure in your inventory. When you place one, it adds a new one to the inventory for free. When you remove one, it removes one from your inventory. Just means you can place as much as you like.

Instead of the walls, the game just calculates how many tiles you used.

The stats in the left calculate the cost of all the placed structures each time it changes.


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