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[planned] Create stronger link between resource patches and the quest log

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:03 am
by Mike5000
Compy never told me how to mine stone and the stone icon next to "Mine stone from the nearby deposit" shows mined stone not stone deposit.

Similarly the fuel hint showed mined coal and raw wood rather than coal deposit and trees.

Ditto iron ore, copper ore, etc.

Re: Wrong icons in NPE hints

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:41 pm
by abregado
The game does not have icons for those things (except for trees, but they are unintelligible at the size of a quest icon).

Currently if the player gets stuck long enough without wood, then Compi points at a tree and says "Get wood from trees".
I will add some things for the other resources, but I have not seen new players have a problem with this yet.