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[Request] R/W access to inserter hand_size

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 3:14 pm
by Deadlock989

Unless I've missed something, there isn't currently control script access to the hand_size parameter for inserters. This is a cosmetic-only parameter that adjusts how "bent" the inserter arm is drawn.

Currently, you can alter inserter pickup and dropoff points at runtime if you set allow_custom_vectors on the prototype in the data stage. But when you do this and adjust inserters during the game, they retain their original hand_size, so regular inserters look very stretched when they're extended to be "long-handed", and long-handeds look very bent-up when they're shortened to be "regular" length.

Any chance of being able to set hand_size on the fly?

Re: [Request] R/W access to inserter hand_size

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:14 pm
by Rseding91
Sorry, no. That value is read-only and stored in the prototype. Making it runtime adjustable would mean saving it for every single inserter regardless of it being used by a mod and that isn't going to happen for a cosmetic-only value.

Re: [Request] R/W access to inserter hand_size

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:45 am
by Deadlock989
OK, thanks for explaining.