Sticker effects on 'other' entities

Things that we aren't going to implement
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Long Handed Inserter
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Sticker effects on 'other' entities

Post by kizrak »

Prototype/Sticker says that it only effects Prototype/Unit, Prototype/Character and Prototype/Car entities.

I would love to see an API for stickers to also effect buildings / turrets / structures / etc. In particular, I would love to have stickers that can modify the attack speed of turrets and worms. ❤ I would also love to see a sticker effect that disables other buildings.

Modify attack speed/range:
  • Turret (Worms)
  • ArtilleryTurret
  • CombatRobot
Stop spawning (spawn at lower evolution level?) (reset pollution gathered?) (disable absorption of pollution?):
  • EnemySpawner
Act as if they were not getting power, or receiving circuit wire signal to disable them:
  • CraftingMachine
  • Inserter
  • Lab
  • MiningDrill
  • OffshorePump
  • Pump
  • Radar
  • Roboport
  • Beacon
  • ElectricTurret
Stop them from generating power:
  • SolarPanel
  • Boiler
  • BurnerGenerator
  • Generator
  • Turret
Slow/Stop movement/etc, similar to Prototype/Unit:
  • FlyingRobot
  • RollingStock
Zero out (or subtract from) their energy storage:
  • Accumulator
  • Roboport

I would love to be able to give players weapons that could disable/hinder worms and spawners. 🤓 But I believe there is strong potential for a mod that would give biters an artillery type worm that could attack/disable the players base without permanent effects (like damage). Something that would force players to attack a very specific location, forced exploration/adventure/etc.

I'm hoping there is some low hanging fruit in one or more of these aspects /concepts / idea / requests 🤞

Thanks ❤,

Related posts:
More effects on sticker
Add "effects" to entity

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Re: Sticker effects on 'other' entities

Post by Rseding91 »

Sorry, but this isn't going to happen. Stickers have an impact on the thing using them even when not used - making anything that supports stickers more complicated and fragile to even have support for them.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.

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