New Permission: Disable "Select New Contents for Blueprint"
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:04 am
"Select New Contents for Blueprint" isn't "buggy" per-se, but it currently results in an on_player_setup_blueprint event with a blueprint that bypasses any editing. This includes whether it was a blueprint item in game or a blueprint in library (it's not in player.blueprint_to_setup, and if it's from the library, there is a blueprint in cursor but it's a dummy)
Being unable to edit the resulting blueprint at all creates immediate problems for different mods:
1) tags can't be attached
2) entities can't be replaced with proxies
3) entities can't be removed
Obviously more problems could be imagined, but those are just the most obvious I think of.
Being unable to select new contents could remove the button, or more predictably, just stop someone in the process and cancel it when they click the button.
In my opinion this is a good option for the mod issues until there is better behavior (if possible), and someone may just want to disable the behavior anyway in their game.
Being unable to edit the resulting blueprint at all creates immediate problems for different mods:
1) tags can't be attached
2) entities can't be replaced with proxies
3) entities can't be removed
Obviously more problems could be imagined, but those are just the most obvious I think of.
Being unable to select new contents could remove the button, or more predictably, just stop someone in the process and cancel it when they click the button.
In my opinion this is a good option for the mod issues until there is better behavior (if possible), and someone may just want to disable the behavior anyway in their game.