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No Logistics Storage Chests

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:52 pm
by Pridesfall
I have all tier 1 and 2 science researched, except the new modules, and all Py mods installed but I don't have the ability to build the yellow logistics storage chests. FNEI shows that the research has been completed and they should be buildable but they aren't on the build screen. I can build each of the other logistics chests but just not the yellow storage one. I have included the copy of my save if it helps.

New Pyanodon
(15.23 MiB) Downloaded 84 times

Re: No Logistics Storage Chests

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:35 am
by kingarthur
ok not sure what happened but the recipe must have got changed at some point after you unlocked the engine tech and as such it didnt get unlocked.

easiest fix that doesnt involve code.

download pycoaltbaa and load the save with it active just once and save the game and then you can disable pycoaltbaa.

given you have no mods that pycoaltbaa goes any adjust to it shouldnt do anything other than run the migration scripts to reset recipe unlocks.

if you prefer you could just pull lua file from the migration folder in pycoaltbaa and rename and number it to match pycoal and it will do the same thing.

that would require a bit of editing work on your part though if you know how to do that.

Re: No Logistics Storage Chests

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:36 am
by kingarthur
might also be able to just paste the code into the chat box.

Code: Select all

/c for _,player in pairs(game.players) do
not sure if that will work or not

Re: No Logistics Storage Chests

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 3:45 am
by Pridesfall
Posting the code in chat fixed it. Thanks a lot!