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First Impression

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:45 pm
by eradicator

I finally got around to playingtesting the py mod series.
(I'm running coal 1.0.9, fusion 1.0.6, high tech 1.0.8 and industry 1.0.10)
So..i'm trying to make red science (starting with big goals :p), and after finally finding out i can make coke in a distillation column (by building all the machines, no FNEI here), it looks like there's no fluid tanks available at this point?
I had to make a makeshift tank from pipes to keep the distillation column running at all.
makeshifttank.jpg (76.41 KiB) Viewed 5702 times
Also flasks requiring wood is killing me because i've started in a desert. So hopefully i'll reach Coal Processing 1 before i've collected all the trees in a 10 minute walk radius :D (at least it looks like that's the shortest way to make more wood automatically). Because i've already collected all the ones in a 2 minute radius *cough*. Someone should make a "pile of wood"-ore mod that spawns some in the starting area, so many mods require it...

(Btw i'm not looking for help (yet?) so please refrain from spoilering too much ;). It's really just to see if my first impressions are totally wrong.)

Re: First Impression

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:44 pm
by pyanodon
eradicator wrote:Hi!

I finally got around to playingtesting the py mod series.
(I'm running coal 1.0.9, fusion 1.0.6, high tech 1.0.8 and industry 1.0.10)
So..i'm trying to make red science (starting with big goals :p), and after finally finding out i can make coke in a distillation column (by building all the machines, no FNEI here), it looks like there's no fluid tanks available at this point?
I had to make a makeshift tank from pipes to keep the distillation column running at all.
Also flasks requiring wood is killing me because i've started in a desert. So hopefully i'll reach Coal Processing 1 before i've collected all the trees in a 10 minute walk radius :D (at least it looks like that's the shortest way to make more wood automatically). Because i've already collected all the ones in a 2 minute radius *cough*. Someone should make a "pile of wood"-ore mod that spawns some in the starting area, so many mods require it...

(Btw i'm not looking for help (yet?) so please refrain from spoilering too much ;). It's really just to see if my first impressions are totally wrong.) seems you´re in the very beginning. You can build a Tailings pond to vent out the gases (yes...get used to waste some resources at some stages ;) ). Storage tanks will come with research, just in time you may need to store gases. About trees, dont worry, as soon as you unlock CoalProcessing1 you will be able to build Botanical Nurseries which can provide infinite logs to be converted into wood in the Wood Processing Units.

Re: First Impression

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:46 pm
by eradicator
pyanodon seems you´re in the very beginning.
Oh yes, very much =). As i said, struggled (past tense) to made red flasks. I got Botanical Nurseries now, after chopping up every last dead tree (+2 wood each, gosh!) in a 300 tile radius around my base :D. It's to blame on me for chosing a desert start ofc ;).

Tailings pond huh, yea, not quited warmed up to throwing stuff away yet :P. Also it requires stone bricks, which i thought (why?) i can't make without research, so initially i skipped over everything requiring those. Now that i can make them i noticed that i was probably supposed to do coke with a high-pressure furnace and not the distillation column. But what fun would that be, doing things right, eh ;p? Gonna slowly crawl towards the chip shooter now... i think. Oh, the smell of new stuff! (And if i make it there post some more maybe)

Also with all these huge buildings i'm feeling like i walk even slower than usually ;).

Re: First Impression

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:07 pm
by Raphaello
eradicator wrote:Also with all these huge buildings i'm feeling like i walk even slower than usually ;).
It's not just feeling. Pyfactories are huge. Really huge. Hugest.

Re: First Impression

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:28 pm
by andre2
I just started my second playthrough of PY mods.

If you have a desert without much big bodies of water that will help you, because of your space requirements later on.

I discovered several mods while playing the first time with PY. They helped alot.
The first two are like ultra important.

-FNEI is ultra important to look and explore recipes. A must have!!!

-Helmod. It helps you plan your factories down to the number of installations, like assemblers for example. I discovered this mod after the diamond phase and calculated everything mith my phone before. You will love this mod!!! You can even tell it how much of product you want to have per second. It also tells you how much factories will give you what ammount of product.

-YARN recource monitor. Helps you keep an eye on your minables. PY eats alot of thoose.

-Production statistics monitor. Helps you keep an eye on your fluids and product production ratios. As PY has so much different stuff, scrolling the map all the time to find a bottle neck is annoying. This mod helps alot.

-ToDo list. Vanilla Factorio hits you with 10 tasks at once which want to be done or tweaked. With PY it is a 100 tasks. No joking. This mod gives you the chance to write some tasks down while your panicking, while all theese tasks and priorities flood your brain. :D

Some tips:

-Maybe aim for 2 science packs /sec for each pack.
-Plan some paths from concrete or brick as you have to run far distances for a long time until exo-skeletons are ready.
The Limestone tile offers the fastest bonus to running. Support the paths with belt. Belt speed and tile walking bonus add up. Create a transport train on top of your bus to avoid running. I easily had 30-40 stations on the personal transport network alone in my 1st playthrough.
I have a 1 lane of belt for each direction (left, right). Below that is the personal transport track for left and right.
Below that comes the bus.
-Let some space between your structure section. Like 10 tiles between bot and battery production. You need that for crazy artistic belt spaghetti later.
-Your base will get big! Very big!!! Dont try to keep everything, regarding gases. With helmod you can purpose build your structures for a specific product without keeping anything of excess gases.
Because......oh, you said no spoilers. :D :D :D I asume you will find out. :D :D :D

KoS has a youtube series about PY mod, maybe 6 months old. It can help you. ... flWXzxh-a4

Re: First Impression

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:40 am
by nagapito
andre2 wrote:
Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:28 pm
I just started my second playthrough of PY mods.

So... I am going to try my second playthrough after a failed first attempt that didnt passed red science...

And, my main concern is, when looking at all the item and the complex recipes, is a main bus doable or will it be an even bigger nightmare and I should just embrace spaghetti?
Also, is a decentralized train factory style, where you have multiple small item specialized factories doable? or will it also be a nightmare with huge train stations due the huge amount of ingredients on the recipes?

Re: First Impression

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:22 pm
by pyanodon
If you dont want to use trains, you can invest into robots. There´s early robots thats are pretty slow at start, but can be very fast with updates. Also, great tips above too. ^^^^

Re: First Impression

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:44 pm
by immortal_sniper1
nagapito wrote:
Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:40 am
andre2 wrote:
Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:28 pm
I just started my second playthrough of PY mods.

So... I am going to try my second playthrough after a failed first attempt that didnt passed red science...

And, my main concern is, when looking at all the item and the complex recipes, is a main bus doable or will it be an even bigger nightmare and I should just embrace spaghetti?
Also, is a decentralized train factory style, where you have multiple small item specialized factories doable? or will it also be a nightmare with huge train stations due the huge amount of ingredients on the recipes?
use ltn and regarding items i posted tons of bp
main bus is hard capped when it comes to many items and overall efficiency

Re: First Impression

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:53 pm
by andre2
This answer is late but can maybe still help.

I did a mainbus.

I use the mod "Deadlocks stacking beltboxes". You need this mod to see the items. The constant combinators have the items of what is on the belt. It is mostly raw or in-between-products. I made this blueprint from my first playthrough. I even have a template of concrete for the whole bus, with roboports and power layouted, so that I only have to clonk down PBs to expand.

Here is the string: