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[0.16.51] Beam source position is offset by -1y

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:17 pm
by Boodals
When creating a beam with LuaSurface.create_entity, when supplying the beam's source as a position, it gets offset by -1y. Adding 1 to the y coordinate fixes this.


Creating a beam from {0, 0} to {1, 0} should be a straight horizontal line, but it is diagonal. I later spawned a car at 0, 0 to confirm that it is the source position that is offset, and not the target position.
Creating a beam from {0, 1} to {1, 0} draws a straight line.

Edit: I just noticed that enabling show-collision-rectangles draws the rectangle where the line would be if the bug were fixed, so its most likely purely a visual glitch.

Re: [0.16.51] Beam source position is offset by -1y

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:13 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for 0.17.