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Small curiosity: What exactly is a "building store"?

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:32 pm
by MisterFister
Optera wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:25 pm I mostly follow my own best practice guidelines within reason.
There's no noticeable performance gain in filtering from 5 items to 3, but when connecting LTN to a building store filtering down from 100 items to 10 certainly is a good idea.
(Emphasis not in original)

Hi there! The underlying topic being discussed in this quote is not relevant to my needs at this time. I am however intrigued by this specific phrasing, "building store." (I'm a New Yawka, maybe you hail from across the Pond...? :) )

My best guess is that you're referring to some "stored" inventory visible from within a "building" such as a wired chest, i.e. the chests positioned at an LTN-provider loading location. Is this the case?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Small curiosity: What exactly is a "building store"?

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:40 pm
by Optera
Building Stores or Malls are small-ish facilities producing machinery, vehicles and the like.

Re: Small curiosity: What exactly is a "building store"?

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:37 am
by mrvn
It's helpful to produce everything needed to expand the base in one place and provide it at one LTN Station. Belts, inserter, power poles, rails, train stops, signals, landfill, red/green wires, ltn combinators, assemblers, chemical plants, pumps, tanks, pump jacks, pipes, .... That sub factory is usually called a mall or building store.

I'm not sure what "filtering down from 100 items to 10" is supposed to mean. I load all the stuff available in the mall into one warehouse. The content of the warehouse is then provided. If that is 100 different items then that is 100 different items. How would you filter that down to 10? Then only 10% of the items would be provided.

Re: Small curiosity: What exactly is a "building store"?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:20 am
by Optera
mrvn wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:37 am I'm not sure what "filtering down from 100 items to 10" is supposed to mean. I load all the stuff available in the mall into one warehouse. The content of the warehouse is then provided. If that is 100 different items then that is 100 different items. How would you filter that down to 10? Then only 10% of the items would be provided.
I meant a simple decider combinator setup filtering anything not provided and below provide threshold to reduce the number of signals LTN has to parse.
While it makes no difference on normal stops, parsing through hundreds of signals in a mall every cycle is quite inefficient in LUA.

Re: Small curiosity: What exactly is a "building store"?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:02 pm
by mrvn
Optera wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:20 am
mrvn wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:37 am I'm not sure what "filtering down from 100 items to 10" is supposed to mean. I load all the stuff available in the mall into one warehouse. The content of the warehouse is then provided. If that is 100 different items then that is 100 different items. How would you filter that down to 10? Then only 10% of the items would be provided.
I meant a simple decider combinator setup filtering anything not provided and below provide threshold to reduce the number of signals LTN has to parse.
While it makes no difference on normal stops, parsing through hundreds of signals in a mall every cycle is quite inefficient in LUA.
Ahh, that makes sens in the starting phase when items are sparse. No sense for LTN to see there are 23 transport belts in the chest if the threshold is one stack. Less useful as time passes and you will have enough of everything buffered in the chest. On the other hand how many shopping malls type stops do you have? Usually I have the shopping mall and the garbage dump recycling output that allow any number of items. And the garbage dump should be empty as LTN is supposed to take away all the recycled stuff quickly.

It would be really nice if there were a signal_changed_event that LTN could subscribe to so it would only have to parse the signals on change. But in factorio you don't have entity specific events and a global signal_changed_event would fire every tick and be more than useless.

Re: Small curiosity: What exactly is a "building store"?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 4:50 am
by Optera
mrvn wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:02 pm It would be really nice if there were a signal_changed_event that LTN could subscribe to so it would only have to parse the signals on change. But in factorio you don't have entity specific events and a global signal_changed_event would fire every tick and be more than useless.
Yes, that'd easily cut my overhead in half.
I've asked for that years ago, it was firmly rejected due to overhead in base. Like it wouldn't also reduce processing time for base game combinators.

Entity specific events exist already for example on_rocket_launch_ordered, on_rocket_launched.
But we're getting really far off topic now.