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Stations of different surfaces

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:59 am
by mrvn
I've been playing with the Blueprint Lab and build some LTN stations there as templates for use in my game.

So now I have a station in the Lab surface that requests fuel for furnaces. I also have a station supplying fuel in my game. This causes LTN to send a train to pick up fuel in my game to deliver to the Lab, which results in "No path". Trains can't travel between surfaces.

I wonder if LTN shouldn't consider the surface a station is at for planing deliveries. Otherwise every surface needs a different network mask and that would seriously limit the number of surfaces that can have trains.

Re: Stations of different surfaces

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:35 am
by Optera
Unless a majority of players starts using LTN over multiple surfaces, the check will be dead weight. I've omitted a fair bit of similar sanity checks for the sake of better performance.

You can already tell LTN networks are not connected by using different network IDs.

Re: Stations of different surfaces

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:27 am
by Dune
Bump, I second this proposal. As mods with different surfaces become popular, such as Space Exploration, such features would help.

I ran into this as well with SE. The bad part about it is, the trains went to pick up the material for a request, on one surface and then since they couldn't make the trip, cancelled and returned to the depot with material still on them.

PS Great mod, I use it with every game. I'm a streamer and I get questions from viewers on its use all the time. I hope a surface check can be added, even if it's an optional item in the map mod's settings.

Re: Stations of different surfaces

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:47 pm
by Optera
I've been informed surface limit was increased from 16 to whopping 2^16 giving a lot more validity to this request.
Version 1.11.1 will include surface checks between requester, provider and train.