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Stations act as provider without marking them as such?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:56 pm
by pulli23
Well I just notice that trains go to stations that are not providers - and thus don't insert items.

I notice this happens when said station has a surplus of items (due to reasons) and then suddenly the stations automatically acts as provider, severely disrupting the whole network.

Why does this happen, and how do I prevent it?


Here you can see I've even removed all the constant combinators - it used to be a requesting stations that requested upto "200k items"

however it has gotten a surplus of 7800 items and then even when unmarked - or marked as requester - it acts as a provder and trains are pathed to it.

Re: Stations act as provider without marking them as such?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:07 pm
by robot256
Any positive item signal to the LTN lamp is a command to be a provider. You have to set the Provider Threshold to a huge number to stop it from being treated as a provider. (The LTN Combinator does this, or should, when you select requester only.)

Re: Stations act as provider without marking them as such?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:32 am
by pulli23
Well it doesn't, when I add back in the combinators - which have a "requesting xyz" value of 51k and a value threashold of -200k the trains still go there as if it's a provider - when there are only a few k items.

Re: Stations act as provider without marking them as such?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:06 pm
by robot256
This is what I see with the LTN Combinator Modernized mod. When you check "Requester", it unchecks the "Provider" box and immediately creates an output signal of "LTN Provider Threshold" equal to 50 million. If you're using normal constant combinators, you would have to add the signal manually to every one. I'm not sure if the older LTN Combinator mods had this feature.
ltn_combinator_requester.png (938.38 KiB) Viewed 1441 times

Re: Stations act as provider without marking them as such?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:35 pm
by Xynariz
pulli23 wrote: Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:32 am Well it doesn't, when I add back in the combinators - which have a "requesting xyz" value of 51k and a value threashold of -200k the trains still go there as if it's a provider - when there are only a few k items.
That sounds right for the *requester* values.

What robot256 was correctly pointing out is that you need to set a *provider* value. Basically, unless you specify otherwise, LTN assumes that every single non-depot stop can be *both* a requester and a provider. Always. The way to tell LTN "hey, in my usage, this stop should never ever provide anything, only request" is to set a ludicrously high *provider* threshold (stack or item, either work). If you use LTN Combinator, then it tells LTN "hey, you want to pick up from this stop? Fine, but only if there are at least fifty million items" - which will hopefully never happen. :)

Remember that LTN assumes every stop can do both requesting and providing, and unless you changed the default settings, it takes only 1,000 items to trigger the provide threshold (which is as little as five stacks of items!)