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[0.17.79] Desync-Error

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:19 pm
by Tiwessia

I've experienced a desync-error.
When I host a saved game (krastorio legacy and other mods) I am able to play it.
If a friend is hosting the same game - no problems either. We've been playing this modded game for several weeks now - it was running just fine.

As of this morning, if either one of us is joing the other in this saved game we are getting immediatly "desync-errors" which will lead to the kick out of the newly joined person.

I attached the most recent log file.
The desync-report can be found here: ...

Can someone please help us determining the source of this problem? :D

We tried: Server restarts, deleting unused and out-of-date mods, changing hosts and deactivating active mods with no results.

Thanks in advance! :)


Re: [0.17.79] Desync-Error

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:29 pm
by orzelek
Do you know if any of mods you use spawns biters?
There is a lot of biters in different locations spawned around position -170, 630.
After that there is a lot of differences in targetters and pathfinding - I'm assuming thats due to the biters.

One of mods you have might be broken and after game load at this moment it spawns the biters in different places on server and client.

Re: [0.17.79] Desync-Error

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 2:01 pm
by Tiwessia

Thank you for your information!

I have "Rampant" spawns biters - as well as "Bobs enemies". I will try to eliminate theses sources.

At the time of the crash there was a huge enemy-attack. Maybe that's the problem. ...

Re: [0.17.79] Desync-Error

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 6:01 pm
by ptx0
Rampant is not considered MP safe.