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[Solved] [1.1.104] [Modded] Desync when joining multiplayer game or within a few minutes

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:42 pm
by Oniguro
Since the Desyncs with mods subforum seems locked, I'll post this here in the hopes anyone can help us.

After starting a new game with the HEAVILY MODDED Modpack it went fine for ~200 hours before we've suddenly started getting desyncs, first sometimes but after a while right away when one person was joining the hoster (switching host also didn't work).
We've been trying to figure out which mod might be the cause but we haven't been able to get any closer to a solution. At this point we've disabled a ton of mods that we weren't using in the hopes it would help (it did, but only a little and only sometimes).
Even when we thought it might be LTN, so we disabling the entire mod but no luck.
So right now we're just playing in turns

I first posted on the HMM page itself but it's been over 2 weeks with no response.
I've uploaded the latest desync report to Dropbox, it can be found here.

While writing all of this and checking some of the desync reports that I have I noticed that the following line was often before the first line containing desync information:
118.346 Script @_heroturrets_/control.lua:470: control.local_on_start
So I'll be checking with my brother as soon as possible if it's perhaps this mod that's causing the issues. (I'll update this part once I know more)

If you need any info, please let me know and I'll try to help as much as possible!

Re: [1.1.104] [Modded] Desync when joining multiplayer game or within a few minutes

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:24 am
by Oniguro
Okay, so it seems we were able to pinpoint the issue.
It seems to have been the belt balancer mod, especially the part in the added screenshot.
Factorio 1.1.104 - 2024-02-19 07_15_24-005674.png
Factorio 1.1.104 - 2024-02-19 07_15_24-005674.png (859.75 KiB) Viewed 1230 times
When they are not too loaded, and are only handling a single resource, everything seems to be fine (after disabling the mod we seem to have 940 of them in our factories), but when handling high-load multi resource belts, it seems to fail.

Re: [Solved] [1.1.104] [Modded] Desync when joining multiplayer game or within a few minutes

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:15 pm
by jpgosselin ... 209/931a8e
we just started having this problem today avec 100+ hours with krastorio and SE i cant seem make a new thread